What Makes a Successful Product Launch Party?

Launch parties are focal points of stress and opportunity for companies and their owners. In an age where starting up a new company and a new product is easier and more common than ever before, the rate at which these ventures fail is also higher. The need to differentiate yourself from the pack immediately is a consuming issue for many new products. So, a launch party is not only essential to mark the start of this new product in the market, but having an incredible one is key to making sure that it sticks around into the long term.

Events experts at Melbourne’s Best Functions have created our resource for scrambling start-ups and sleek corporate outfits alike, to help them plan a killer product launch party. Read on to understand the core elements:

The launch party needs to make as much of itself as possible, appearing as a big date on the corporate calendar to raise the profile of the debuting product. Having an appropriate theme for the night’s decor and presentation, or choosing an unusual and fabulous location can both supply a genuine party feeling to get your guests excited for the announcement. The House Baroq and Bond locations are both frequently employed for this purpose due to their air of lavish prestige.

Treat the guests
The atmosphere is only step one in making your all-important guest list of industry influencers feel at home and favourable to your offering. Providing a fully catered event with open bar (or at least a generous tab) can go a long way towards warming the hearts of guests; plus, it shows how serious you are about this product and your industry as a whole.

You can kick this charm offensive up a notch by offering small gifts to your invitees; product samples, small mementoes such as pens, pins, or notepads. Presented in a charming bag or box and branded with your company logo, this practice embodies the spirit of the event.

Give the product a big night out
It seems obvious given the name of the event, but too many product launch parties Melbourne’s Best Functions have witnessed have gone overboard with the “party” and ended up obscuring their own “launch”. The whole purpose of the night is to play up the impact of the product, so ensure that it makes one with live demonstrations, hands-on opportunities where possible, and explanation of how you plan for the product to enter the market.

If your product is too young or incomplete, then perhaps this is not the time in its life for a grandiose launch party.