Fun Baby Shower Activities

When you are planning the baby shower for mum-to-be, you can’t go past these sweet and quirky activities to get your guests in the mood for motherhood!

Nappy Notes
What you’ll need:
1 giant box of nappies
Permanent markers

How to play:
Your guests can write encouraging, funny, loving and even famous words of wisdom on your newborn’s nappies to keep you going on those long, hard, sleepless nights. Give mum a pep talk, make her giggle with an inside joke or simply tell her how good she is at being a mum.

*Markers are safe to use on the outer surface of the nappy only.


What you’ll need:
Enough of Melbourne’s Best Functions’ Keep-Cards for one per guest (plus a few spares)

DOWNLOAD and print off the Melbourne’s Best Functions Keep-Cards.

How to play:
This activity can be done at any time during the shower. Ask guests to fill in the blanks with what they hope for your little peanut’s future. At the end of the party, put them somewhere safe and bring them out at your child’s milestone birthday of choice. This activity is perfect for your shyer guests, enabling them to still feel involved, and makes a really lovely snapshot of friendship and love to look back on.


Guess Who?
What you’ll need:
Baby photographs
Number labels
Answer sheet

This game requires a little preparation but it pays off in the end. In your invitations, include a little note to ask each guest to bring a hard copy photograph of themselves as a baby. You will also need to print off an answer sheet with numbers (enough for each guest) down the left-hand side. Upon your guests’ arrival, pin each photograph to a corkboard next to a corresponding number and secretly keep a list of who belongs to which photo.

How to play:
After your guests have finished giggling and goo-goo-ing over the old images, have them all guess who belongs to which photograph. This can take place over the course of the shower and works as a great ice breaker for unfamiliar guests. The prize will go to the guest with the most correct answers!


Ice, Ice Baby!
What you’ll need:
Ice cube trays
Tiny plastic baby figurines (find these at a party supply store!)

Prior to the shower (no later than the night before), place a small plastic baby into each cube in the tray. Fill with water and freeze overnight. Ensure there is at least one ice cube per guest.

How to play:
As guests arrive, each will receive one Baby Cube in their drink. When the ice has melted, get your guests to yell “My water broke!” The first guest to follow through wins a prize! This is an easy game and gets your guests giggling and engaged from the outset!

This game is particularly fun if you have the baby daddy and his friends at the shower, too!